Guided collaboration and computers: Some of its effects on learning outcome

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Guided collaboration and computers: Some of its effects on learning outcome

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Darío Martínez, Rubén; Martin, Elsa Inés; Montero, Yolanda Haydeé; Pedrosa, María Eugenia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of different treatments on learning outcome, into a collaborative learning context. It was used a factorial design, consisting of two factors, each one with two categories. The first factor was to give students specific roles to play to guide the kinds of interactions and activities that students engage in, versus to allow students to make their own decisions about when and how to use the teacher instructions. The second one was to develop a simple hypertext, versus to write an extended essay. It was found that the factor 'specific roles' favored the learning outcome, whereas the factor 'hypertext development' was not statistically significant.
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