Training adults and children with an autism spectrum disorder to be compliant with a clinical dental assessment using a TEACCH-based approach

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Training adults and children with an autism spectrum disorder to be compliant with a clinical dental assessment using a TEACCH-based approach

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Orellana, Lorena Mirtala; Martínez Sanchis, Sonia; Silvestre Donat, Francisco Javier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

The specific neuropsychological and sensory profile found in persons with autism spectrum disorders complicate dental procedures and as a result of this, most are treated under general anesthesia or unnecessary sedation. The main goal of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a short treatment and education of autistic and related communication-handicapped children-based intervention program (five sessions) to facilitate a 10-component oral assessment in children (n = 38, aged 4¿9 years) and adults (n = 34, aged 19¿41) with autism spectrum disorder (with or without associated intellectual disability). The assessment ranges from entering into the examination room to the evaluation of the dental occlusion. There were statistically significant differences in the number of components reached and in compliance before and after the training program.
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