Co-Participation In Oral Paired Interviews: Preliminary Findings Of The OPENPAU Project

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Co-Participation In Oral Paired Interviews: Preliminary Findings Of The OPENPAU Project

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García Laborda, Jesús; Otero de Juan, Nuria; Bakieva, Margarita
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

The Ministry of Education is changing how Spanish University Entrance Examination (PAU) will be delivered in 2017. To test the construct, experimental oral interviews with potential candidates of the PAU were done. Purpose of Study: The research observed whether paired interviews favored the delivery and organization of the PAU test and if this type of delivery favors the students¿ performance. This paper studies how students in paired interviews outperform the individual. Sources of Evidence: About ten interviews were delivered in the US and about 40 in Spain. They all were recorded and analyzed from the interaction and output quality. Analysis and results: The study indicates that co-construction of output may favor communication and improve the student¿s individual performance.
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