El juego motor como herramienta metodológica para niños y niñas con diversidad funcional

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El juego motor como herramienta metodológica para niños y niñas con diversidad funcional

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Chiva Bartoll, Óscar; Gil Gómez, Jesús; García Antolín, Roberto José; Salvador García, Celina
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

This article suggests using motor games as a methodological tool in the Young Athletes Program of Special Olympics or with any child with any kind of disability. After contextualizing what is the Young Athletes Program, an analysis about the motor games is carried out taking into account several definitions. Some of its advantages are also set forth given the fact that motor games not only enhance the children's physical developement, but they favour an integrated development. Several games are presented in order to show some ideas that might be used taking advantage of all the benefits that have been stated.
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