Análisis de los deberes del deporte en la universidad: ética cívica, derechos humanos, ética del deporte y fair play

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Análisis de los deberes del deporte en la universidad: ética cívica, derechos humanos, ética del deporte y fair play

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Chiva Bartoll, Óscar; Hernando Domingo, Carlos
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2016

This article analyses the moral duties on the operation of the Sports Departments at Universities. Deontology, from the Greek Deon (duty) and logy (treated), refers to the sphere of duty. This ethical perspective, which is a key precursor from the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, raises the need to assume the duties that must be followed in interaction with others. In this sense the moral duties, as essential components of any code of ethics, guide the management model of Sports Departments at Universities. They have to undertake them in order to achieve its inner goal. Particularly, the article provides a panoramic analysis covering from the broadest to the most specific sources such as civic ethics, human rights, ethics of sport and Fair Play.
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