Educación Física bilingüe y pedagogía crítica: una aplicación basada en el judo

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Educación Física bilingüe y pedagogía crítica: una aplicación basada en el judo

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Chiva Bartoll, Óscar; Isidori, Emanuele; Fazio, Alessandra
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

Considering the impact that the introduction of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is having in Europe, this paper presents a model of application for Physical Education in English. This model improves particularly the acquisition of a foreign language and proposes at the same time a comprehensive learning scenario based on the principles of the critical pedagogy. From the 4Cs framework of CLIL methodology («content», «communication», «culture» and «cognition») the paper offers an in-depth reflection on the possibilities of introducing the critical pedagogy approach to Physical Education, thus increasing its educational potential. First, we argue about the links between critical pedagogy and CLIL.Subsequently, we propose an English didactic unit of judo in order to exemplify the previous analysis.
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