Membrane insertion and topology of the translocon-associated protein (TRAP) gamma subunit

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Membrane insertion and topology of the translocon-associated protein (TRAP) gamma subunit

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Bañó Polo, Manuel; Martínez Garay, Carlos Andrés; Grau, Brayan; Martínez Gil, Luis; Mingarro Muñoz, Ismael
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Translocon-associated protein (TRAP) complex is intimately associated with the ER translocon for the insertion or translocation of newly synthesised proteins in eukaryotic cells. The TRAP complex is comprised of three single-spanning and one multiple-spanning subunits. We have investigated the membrane insertion and topology of the multiple-spanning TRAP-γ subunit by glycosylation mapping and green fluorescent protein fusions both in vitro and in cell cultures. Results demonstrate that TRAP-γ has four transmembrane (TM) segments, an Nt/Ct cytosolic orientation and that the less hydrophobic TM segment inserts efficiently into the membrane only in the cellular context of full-length protein.
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