la República Democrática del Congo: un caso de efectos perversos de la globalización en los Estados fallidos

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la República Democrática del Congo: un caso de efectos perversos de la globalización en los Estados fallidos

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Cervera Vallterra, María 2017-06-07T10:12:20Z 2017-06-07T10:12:20Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation Cervera Vallterra, María 2014 la República Democrática del Congo: un caso de efectos perversos de la globalización en los Estados fallidos Anuario de Derecho Internacional 30 87 138
dc.description.abstract After surviving one of the fiercest and bloodiest wars since World War II, this country is now experiencing a phase of democratic transition, a phase extremely fragile and volatile. Far from peace expectations of the Congolese people, extre- me violence and human rights violations remain dominant and the everyday tonic in localized areas. This paper aims to shed some light on this reality so ignored, sometimes unk- nown and perhaps poorly served in the Spanish doctrine. It focuses mainly on the peculiar and convoluted combination of factors at play, of their very diverse nature. To do this, this paper will firstly examine the geostrategic factors that defined and determine nowadays the role that Globalization seems to reserve to the African Continent. Secondly, this paper will analyse the peculiar and complex combination of factors at play and actors operating in this unique scenario (States, International Organizations, NGOs, companies, individuals, etc...) without losing sight of the underlying existence of strong economic interests at stake. Without these it would be impossible to unders- tand the reaction of the International Community and in particular the United Nations, to which this paper will turn to in the last chapter.
dc.language.iso spa
dc.relation.ispartof Anuario de Derecho Internacional, 2014, vol. 30, p. 87-138
dc.subject Dret internacional
dc.title la República Democrática del Congo: un caso de efectos perversos de la globalización en los Estados fallidos
dc.type journal article es_ES 2017-06-07T10:12:20Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 103802
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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