Abjection and alterity in the imagining of transgender in physical education and sport: a pedagogical approach in higher education

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Abjection and alterity in the imagining of transgender in physical education and sport: a pedagogical approach in higher education

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Pérez Samaniego, Víctor Fuentes Miguel, Jorge Pereira García, Sofía Devís Devís, José 2017-09-05T13:43:28Z 2017-09-05T13:43:28Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Pérez Samaniego, Víctor Fuentes Miguel, Jorge Pereira García, Sofía Devís Devís, José 2016 Abjection and alterity in the imagining of transgender in physical education and sport: a pedagogical approach in higher education Sport Education and Society 21 7 985 1002
dc.description.abstract In physical education (PE) and sports there is little theoretical and empirical knowledge about transgender people, and particularly, on how they are and can be imagined within this context. In this paper, we present and analyze a pedagogical activity based on the reading and discussion of a fictional representation of a transgender person within a group of undergraduate students of Sport Sciences. Our theoretical frame situates abjection and alterity as opposing concepts on a continuum. Results show several ways in which a transgender person is imagined by students, as well as constraints and possibilities for the pedagogical proposal to promote moral imagining of transgender. Students situated in abjection justify their rejection of transgender persons, bringing up compassion (such as pity), genitalization, symbolic violence and stigmatization of transgender persons. The realm between abjection and alterity is characterized by tolerance of different normalities, as well as linguistic constraints hindering the acceptance of transgender people. In alterity, students acknowledge their limited ability to totally imagine what it is like to be transgender, and also, their will to encounter transgender persons face-to-face. Although results of this experience should not be interpreted in a prescriptive way, they show different ways to imagine transgender people in the domain of PE and sports, as well as the importance of considering the ethics of alterity as a means to advance in the moral imagining of transgender persons and, in general, of the distant Other.
dc.relation.ispartof Sport Education and Society, 2016, vol. 21, num. 7, p. 985-1002
dc.subject Ciències de l'esport
dc.subject Ciència Ensenyament
dc.title Abjection and alterity in the imagining of transgender in physical education and sport: a pedagogical approach in higher education
dc.type journal article es_ES 2017-09-05T13:43:29Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1080/13573322.2014.981253
dc.identifier.idgrec 102569
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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