Exploring working conditions as determinants of job satisfaction: an empirical test among Catalonia service workers

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Exploring working conditions as determinants of job satisfaction: an empirical test among Catalonia service workers

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Marín García, Juan Antonio; Bonavia Martín, Tomás; Losilla, Josep Maria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

Job satisfaction is particularly important in the service industry since it involves direct contact with customers and thus has a direct influence on company performance. We analyzed the impact of ten working conditions on job satisfaction by means of structural equation modelling in a representative stratified random sample of 1553 service sector employees in Catalonia (Spain). We found significant effects in social aspects (recognition of a job well done and social support), followed by psychological loads (emotional demands and job insecurity) and by task contents (development & meaning and predictability). These variables explained 50% of the variance in job satisfaction.
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