El desayuno escolar; una intervención educativa en alimentación y nutrición saludable

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El desayuno escolar; una intervención educativa en alimentación y nutrición saludable

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Cubero Juánez, Javier; Franco Reynolds, Lourdes; Calderón, Manuel; Caro, Berta; Rodrigo Vega, Maximiliano; Ruiz Macías, Constantino
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The Complete and Healthy Breakfast is basic for growth also favors greater physical and intellectual performance during the morning. Breakfast should always said: Dairy, Grains, Fruit, and their derivates, without forgetting our olive oil. Or to perform skipping breakfast shoddy is a factor that also causes childhood obesity and overweight. Therefore Organizations Promoting Health intervention encourage healthy habits in Food and Nutrition. Being one of the goals this Complete and Healthy Breakfast from school which should be promoted, especially by encouraging the consumption of fruit. Based on the above our work designs a school intervention for a Complete and Healthy Breakfast, centered on the consumption of fruit.
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