La educación patrimonial en los manuales escolares de Educación Primaria : un recorrido desde LOGSE hasta LOMCE

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La educación patrimonial en los manuales escolares de Educación Primaria : un recorrido desde LOGSE hasta LOMCE

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Hernández Carretero, Ana María; Guillén Peñafiel, Rebeca
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Cultural Heritage is a constant in the curriculum of Primary Education, being collected in the last three Spanish education laws. Both the concept of culture as cultural heritage has changed substantially in recent years, changes that are reflected both the heritage laws and education laws. The main objective of this work is to analyze the heritage education in school textbooks of different laws, assessing whether it reflects changes in the meaning of the concept and is in keeping with its symbolic and identity load. To do this, we review the textbooks of Environmental Knowledge and Social Sciences of Primary Education, in order to determine what they mean by cultural heritage, how they work it and for what.
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