The current planetary crisis: a missing dimension in science education

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The current planetary crisis: a missing dimension in science education

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Marques, Luís Vilches Peña, Amparo Gil Pérez, Daniel Praia, Joâo Félix Thompson, David 2018-01-09T10:39:56Z 2018-01-09T10:39:56Z 2008 es_ES
dc.identifier.citation MARQUES, L., VILCHES, A., GIL- PÉREZ, D., PRAIA, J. y THOMPSON, D. (2008). The Current Planetary Crisis: a Missing Dimension in Science Education, en Azeteiro, U.M., Gonçalves, F., Pereira, R., Pereira, M.J., Leal-Filho, W. and Morgado, F., Science and environmental education. Towards the integration of Science Education, Experimental Science Activities and Environmental Education. Pp. 25-47. ISBN: 978-3-631-55406-7; ISSN: 1434-3819. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. es_ES
dc.description.abstract The origin of our research has been the intuition that, in spite of some dramatic calls of United Nations experts, the attention paid by science education research to the study of citizens’ awareness of the state of the world and of the danger of an irreversible degradation of life in our Planet, has been very poor. Our work intends to clarify to what extent this essential issue in the education of future decision-making citizens is adequately dealt with in science education research. With this purpose, we have posed open questions to several hundreds of science teachers in training and in service about “problems and challenges that humanity has to face” and we have analysed the content of high school science textbooks (looking for any reference to the state of the world and its future). Results obtained explain why we refer to the state of the world as a missing dimension in science education. This dimension should be urgently incorporated if we want to answer the United Nations call to contribute to the Decade of Education for a Sustainable Future. en_US
dc.description.abstract The origin of our research has been the intuition that, in spite of some dramatic calls of United Nations experts, the attention paid by science education research to the study of citizens’ awareness of the state of the world and of the danger of an irreversible degradation of life in our Planet, has been very poor. Our work intends to clarify to what extent this essential issue in the education of future decision-making citizens is adequately dealt with in science education research. With this purpose, we have posed open questions to several hundreds of science teachers in training and in service about “problems and challenges that humanity has to face” and we have analysed the content of high school science textbooks (looking for any reference to the state of the world and its future). Results obtained explain why we refer to the state of the world as a missing dimension in science education. This dimension should be urgently incorporated if we want to answer the United Nations call to contribute to the Decade of Education for a Sustainable Future. es_ES
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.subject Sustainability es_ES
dc.subject Science Education es_ES
dc.title The current planetary crisis: a missing dimension in science education es_ES
dc.type book part es_ES
dc.identifier.idgrec 027562 es_ES

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