Los jeroglíficos de Lorenzo Lotto para el coro de Santa Maria Maggiore de Bérgamo

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Los jeroglíficos de Lorenzo Lotto para el coro de Santa Maria Maggiore de Bérgamo

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Schiavon, Andrea
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The drawings that Lorenzo Lotto made for the marquetry of the choir of Santa Maria Maggiore of Bergamo, executed between 1524 and 1532, highlight the special interest in hieroglyphs in Italian art. This article concentrates on the four examples of inlaid work that decorate the exterior facade of the choir, which were crafted based on the drawings of Lotto. The marquetry is analyzed by identifying its textual and visual sources, proposing as well an iconographical interpretation by considering the visual discourse that derives from the work as a whole. KEYWORDS: Lotto; Hieroglyphics; Choir; Marquetry; Bible.
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