¿Artista educador o Educador artista? El límite difuso del rol social

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¿Artista educador o Educador artista? El límite difuso del rol social

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Raymond Bara, José Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

This article arises from a personal experience and reflection as an artist and professor in formation, which considers the cultural and educational crisis as the context where artistic and educationalsystemdeploys, and under the cultural emergency, from the social role of the artist appears the necessity to educate as the only solution. Subsequently approaches the unclear boundaries between the artist and educator social roles, settling a parallel of factors which shows a shared methodology in the way both positions acts, reflecting about the constant dialogue and transition between these roles. Finally considers the virtues and weakness of both disciplines confirming the interdependance of the roles towards the social mission they have in common.
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