La Evolución del Concepto de Patrimonio : Oportunidades para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias
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Morón-Monge, Hortensia; Morón Monge, María del Carmen
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017
This paper describes and analyses how heritage concept evolves and changes from Spanish law on heritage. For that, it is analyzed explicitly heritage concept and focus on natural and geological heritage from three documents. In this analysis, we observe an evolutionary-conceptual tendency of the heritage and its teaching, in which apparently there is no single concept about heritage and, therefore, a single educational perspective. In this trend, the conceptualization of heritage is expanding and enriching from a more unidisciplinary and conservation-oriented vision, towards a more interdisciplinary and educational. This conceptual evolution is associated in turn with the material and tangible character of the heritage towards other more intangible and relative. Finally, this last conceptual notion of heritage and its teaching can foment activist attitudes on the socio-scientific issues and promote a scientific literacy for science education.
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