Aplicación del modelo 5E para aprender mecánica a través de la indagación en educación secundaria

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Aplicación del modelo 5E para aprender mecánica a través de la indagación en educación secundaria

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González Bértoa, Ana; Crujeiras Pérez, Beatriz
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

This paper examines the process of solving an inquiry task about Newton?s laws that consists of designing a montage for investigating which surface would be the most appropriate to drag boxes of clothes in a warehouse. The participants are 23 9th-grade students. Data collection consists of students? written responses related to the process of design, interpreting results and drawing conclusions were collected. For data analysis, we used the instruction model 5E. The main results highlight certain difficulties in students? performances related to the process of design and to the explanation of how to use it.
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