Imágenes y gestos en la fonética aplicada a la enseñanza de E/LE

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Imágenes y gestos en la fonética aplicada a la enseñanza de E/LE

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Ribera Ruiz de Vergara, Ana Isabel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

When Spanish as a foreign language (E/LE) teachers teach oral communication, they realize that many students cannot keep a conversation as simple as this one may be, most of the times, due to their lack of knowledge of pronunciation. Therefore, one question that teachers ask themselves is how to teach applied phonetics. In this article, we will present an innovative didactic activity, carried out with university Frenchspeaking students. This activity focuses on images and gestures and its goal is to help students acquire the sounds that they find more difficult to pronounce.
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