Voz pasiva perifrástica. Una propuesta didáctica

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Voz pasiva perifrástica. Una propuesta didáctica

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Rodríguez Pastor, César Luis; Castro Verdala, Verónica
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

This educational proposal focuses on a specific grammatical aspect: the periphrastic passive voice. The execution has been carried out by taking into account the requirements of the Common European Framework and the Plan Curricular of the Cervantes Institute. A collection of activities have been designed for this within the task-based approach. The students start learning how the passive voice is formed in a deductive way within the context of articles of newspapers, since it is one of fields of written language where this grammatical aspect appears. These activities are shown gradually, offering a real context to the student. We have selected this context because, within the different ones where students can find the periphrastic passive voice, is the closest one to their lives.
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