Hazte extranjero. Una propuesta didáctica

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Hazte extranjero. Una propuesta didáctica

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Gascón Buj, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

The lesson plan takes a piece of audiovisual material called Hazte Extranjero as the main focus of attention. The commercial is addressed to B2 students and it is supposed to last two sessions of 50 minutes. The integration of different skills is put into practice, enhancing the role of the spoken interaction and the audiovisual comprehension (global and selective). Also, the intercultural and communicative competence are developed and regarding the contents, the colloquial vocabulary, idioms and cultural referents appearing in the commercial are put into practice. The main objectives are: to promote creativity and the ability to reason in the student who will need to reflect on the different implications of the Spanish society and other nationalities, and to deduce the meaning of the new lexicon from the linguistic context.
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