La ironía en el aula: pan comido. Una propuesta didáctica para trabajar la ironía por medio de unidades fraseológicas

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La ironía en el aula: pan comido. Una propuesta didáctica para trabajar la ironía por medio de unidades fraseológicas

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Puche Sánchez, Alicia; Sánchez Motos, Ana Belén; Cuenca Abela, Damián; Sánchez Sánchez, Mario
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

This educational proposal focuses on a specific linguistic phenomenon: the prototypical irony. The aim is to have students of Spanish as a foreign language or as a second language practice prototypical irony using a correct intonation, enabling them, at the same time, to activate the usage of phraseology units in colloquial Spanish. The activities are mostly structured around images and audiovisual material to make students aware of the usage of irony in Spanish. With this idea a series of phraseology units are laid out so that students are able to put irony into practice, as well as some linguistic elements of colloquial Spanish. In addition, development of all the skills gathered up in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessmentis favoured.
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