¡Vamos al cine! Integrar la web 2.0 en el aula a través de una tarea digital colaborativa

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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¡Vamos al cine! Integrar la web 2.0 en el aula a través de una tarea digital colaborativa

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Sedano Cuevas, Beatriz
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

This article presents a practical experience based on a digital communication task using a cinema social network. The teaching of Spanish as a foreign language has, for a long time, based itself on learning by tasks where the activities go beyond being linguistic. Aiming for a learning of language that is both social and cultural, orientated to a more realistic communicative situation. The autonomy of the learner, learning through discovery or cooperation has become an essential concept in the world of Spanish as a Foreign Language. Why not apply these concepts to the use of modern technology which is built into the day to day lives of our students? Why not use social networks to lead to a way of learning that is extremely helpful and social, which goes beyond the relationships and situations of the classroom, towards a true social conversation?
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