La mar de gentes. Club citas rápida

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La mar de gentes. Club citas rápida

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Pozanco Hidalgo, Ángel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

The objective of this proposal is to create a framework for oral interactions through a teaching sequence using the methodology of work tasks (Gómez del Estal and Zanón 1996: 89-100) and focused on form. Communicative final task requests the students to participate in a series of speed-dating. The linguistic exponents to work are: the use of indicative or subjunctive with modal verbs to express moods, emotions or points of view. For the language?s presentation, we will employ the distinction et a between indicative and subjunctive made by Campillo and J. Ruiz and as methodological innovation we use Total Physical Response (TPR) technique to memorization. Key words: Subjunctive, TPR, oral interaction, declaration, speed-dating
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