Enfoque por tareas para la enseñanza de las vanguardias en la clase de E/LE. Propuesta de actividades

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Enfoque por tareas para la enseñanza de las vanguardias en la clase de E/LE. Propuesta de actividades

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Souto, Luz Celestina
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

The study of the avant-garde through its historical context and their artistic productions is proposed as an interdisciplinary activity, in which students are focusing on the literary aspect and the breakdown of the early 20th century in painting, cinema, architecture and music. This investigation shows lessons that will be taught in a participatory way, from reading to watching short films and avant-garde music or seeing works of art. This work proposes a task-based approach that will lead to creative activities where the knowledge of each student will be improved. Key words: Historical avant-gardes, E / LE, task-based approach, participatory classes
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