Aprendiendo español con Gandía Shore : partículas conversacionales

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Aprendiendo español con Gandía Shore : partículas conversacionales

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Uclés Ramada, Gloria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

This didactic proposal aims at presenting the different forms and functions of appellative conversational particles, found in colloquial Spanish, through a series of activities. Since conversational particles are polyfunctional pragmatic elements, learning how to use them is bound to be a complex process. Thus, the focus of this proposal will be put on these elements in order to ensure that they are properly learned. For these purposes we will use the television programme Gandía Shore, as it constitutes an authentic sample of the colloquial register where conversational particles in context are to be found. The activities will focus on recognising conversational particles and their functions. Key words: colloquial Spanish, discourse markers, Gandía Shore, register
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