La polisemia : fuente natural de actividades para las clases de español

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La polisemia : fuente natural de actividades para las clases de español

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Wicherek, marta
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2016

Abstact: Our objective with this study is to present the phenomenon of polysemy from the point of view of foreign language teaching. The analysis of polysemous words and the fact that the number of meanings of a word in a certain language is hardly ever the same as the amount of meanings of an equivalent word in another can offer the teacher the chance to simply and naturally introduce activities to delve deeper into this matter. Detecting differences of this sort which appear in different settings and at all levels allows students to discover the semantic inaccuracy between languages that they use which positively influences students? learning process and helps increase their interest in the language they aim to learn. Keywords: polysemy, polysemous words, semantic contents, linguistic context.
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