El tratamiento de las colocaciones en los diccionarios bilingües español-catalán

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El tratamiento de las colocaciones en los diccionarios bilingües español-catalán

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Santamaría-Pérez, Isabel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

In this paper we focus on how collocations are included in Spanish-Catalan bilingual dictionaries. These lexical repertories are used generally for non-native speakers of Catalan in order to understand and produce texts in this language. To do this, we analyze the collocations in five bilingual Spanish-Catalan dictionaries. For the selection of 30 coocurrences, we have based on the classification established by Corpas (1996), and we have chosen two combinational structures: verb + noun (V + NOUN) and noun + adjective (SUST + ADJ). From the analysis of these combinations in dictionaries we observe how and where these expressions appear and the results will improve these bilingual dictionaries for users.
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