The aim of the present study was to compare two blood-saving protocols: the use of the postoperative blood recuperator for autotransfusion (RSPA), the use of intraoperative tranexamic intravenous (ATX) and intra-articular ATX, and anesthetic block with Adrenaline intrarticular. Material and method. Retrospective descriptive observational study of a series of 54 patients operated in our Center by Gonarthrosis, and who were implanted with a total primary knee prosthesis in 2015. They were divided into two groups: group A, patients treated with ATX and anesthetic block according to the protocol described below, and group B, patients in whom a blood recuperator was used during the immediate postoperative period for autotransfusion. Results. The ATX and RSPA groups were comparable in terms of demographic values (ATX 71.59 - recovery 68.63) and distribution by sex (ATX 66.7% women, 33.3% men / recuperator 59.3% women, 40.7% men) similar. The data analysis, the mean hemoglobin decrease was lower in the ATX group (2.23 g / dL), compared to 2.73 g / dL in the group of the recuperator, this difference being not statistically significant (p value of 0.15). Conclusion. The protocol for the use of ATX was more effective as a blood-saving program compared to the use of autologous blood recuperator in primary ATR, although it would be necessary to study a greater number of cases.