Violencia y control de la imagen. La identidad femenina en la obra de Ana Mendieta

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Violencia y control de la imagen. La identidad femenina en la obra de Ana Mendieta

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D. Rivero Moreno, Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

In the society of information, images of violence are multiplied until they make the reflection about them complicated. This research proposes to recover the work of the artist Ana Mendieta. Her art, as opposed to the ways used by the mechanism of power, appears as a tool to face gender-based violence from an artistic and personal point of view. Thus, using the main currents of gender studies theory in contrast to the work of the Cuban artist, the possibility of the exhibition of body and violence it is described through body art and performance. Thereby, women achieve a search mechanism for identity, creating their own image and showing social problems usually silenced by the patriarchal power, engaged in ascribing them to a non visible private realm.
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