Comment le silence d’André Souris nous parle. A propos de l’article d’André Souris, « Le Silence et la Musique »

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Comment le silence d’André Souris nous parle. A propos de l’article d’André Souris, « Le Silence et la Musique »

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Sieger, Simon
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Following Christine Esclapez’ research of another musicology, we take the study of the notion of silence of André Souris as an opportunity to think about the specificity of musicological expression. The links between music, musicologist and their audience create a movement of speech, which in turn defines a space of expression. The distance between theoretical speech and its practical application, or the distance between the speaker and the auditor are observable signs of the passing into speech of music, considered as an entity which can’t perish, awaiting an extension. André Souris’ choice is nothing more, and nothing less, than an attempt to bring a conterminous world into existence, creating a new territory on the frontiers between what is said and what is listened to.
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