Gestação de substituição e acesso de todas as mulheres à procriação medicamente assistida em Portugal: as leis de 2016 e as profundas transformações no direito da filiação

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Gestação de substituição e acesso de todas as mulheres à procriação medicamente assistida em Portugal: as leis de 2016 e as profundas transformações no direito da filiação

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Pereira, André Gonçalo Dias
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The surrogacy Act (Law no. 25/2016, of August 22), may open the doors to the establishment of the maternity in Portugal by means of contract, reason why a tight inspection is required. On the other hand, the right of all women to procreate (Law no. 17/2016 of 20 June) overlapped the right of the child to know and maintain a legal and family relationship with both parents, a right that during the last century was advocated by progressive voices. In turn, the subsidiary character of the PMA has also been postponed, since it guarantees the access of any woman, however fertile and heterosexual, to the assisted reproduction techniques. Thus, the right of membership and the system of medically assisted procreation were seriously transformed by legislative changes in 2016
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