Use of ambient ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry for the kinetic analysis of organic surface reactions

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Use of ambient ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry for the kinetic analysis of organic surface reactions

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Sen, Rickdeb; Escorihuela Fuentes, Jorge; Smulders, Maarten M. J.; Zuilhof, Han
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2016

In contrast to homogeneous systems, studying the kinetics of organic reactions on solid surfaces remains a difficult task due to the limited availability of appropriate analysis techniques that are general, highthroughput, and capable of offering quantitative, structural surface information. Here, we demonstrate how direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART-MS) complies with above considerations and can be used for determining interfacial kinetic parameters. The presented approach is based on the use of a MS tag that in principle allows application to other reactions. To show the potential of DART-MS, we selected the widely applied strain-promoted alkyne−azide cycloaddition (SPAAC) as a model reaction to elucidate the effects of the nanoenvironment on the interfacial reaction rate.
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