Education for Health in Spanish education laws: comparative between the LOE and the LOMCE

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Education for Health in Spanish education laws: comparative between the LOE and the LOMCE

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Montero Pau, Javier Tuzón Marco, Paula Gavidia Catalán, Valentín 2018-10-03T18:24:48Z 2018-10-03T18:24:48Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Montero Pau, Javier Tuzón, Paula Gavidia Catalán, Valentín 2018 Education for Health in Spanish education laws: comparative between the LOE and the LOMCE Revista Espanola de Salud Publica 92 e201806030
dc.description.abstract Background: The current Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (LOMCE) incorporates substantial changes from the previous law, in particular a new curricular configuration with a higher prevalence of optionality, which may affect the development of health competencies by students. The objective was to address health education in the last two years, according to the amount and variability of Health related terms. Methods: A comparative quantitative analysis was performed based on the presence of 281 terms related to eight areas of Health Education in both laws and for the two compulsory education stages (Primary and Secondary). Results: Overall, no significant differences were found in the number of terms, or in the treatment of the health areas between laws. However, the increase in optional subjects in the LOMCE increases differences in training in Health Education. The difference in the number of terms studied by a student depending on the curricular itinerary is 28% in Primary and ESO in the LOMCE, compared to 0% and 7% in the LOE. Conclusions: The LOMCE does not represent an improvement in Health Education in terms of the number of health terms, and allows considerable asymmetry in the training of young people depending on their curricular itinerary. The results suggest that it would be necessary to reinforce the contents of Health Education in compulsory subjects.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Revista Espanola de Salud Publica, 2018, vol. 92, p. e201806030
dc.subject Lleis
dc.subject Educació sanitària
dc.title Education for Health in Spanish education laws: comparative between the LOE and the LOMCE
dc.type journal article es_ES 2018-10-03T18:24:48Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 127098
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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