Comparative study between the educational systems of spain, uk, france and germany

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Comparative study between the educational systems of spain, uk, france and germany

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Monsalve Lorente, Laura Cebrián Cifuentes, Sara 2019-02-05T12:44:23Z 2019-02-05T12:44:23Z 2015
dc.identifier.citation Monsalve Lorente, Laura Cebrián Cifuentes, Sara 2015 Comparative study between the educational systems of spain, uk, france and germany EDULEARN proceedings 8314 8322
dc.description.abstract Education and training are essential for the transformation of the European Union (EU hereafter), to advance as a knowledge society and compete effectively in a global economy. Europe is vital to have an education and training of high quality. The overall objective of this study is to compare European education systems Spain, UK and Germany. To carry out the objectives, we used comparative methodology of deductive character, in order to contrast the variables proposed in this paper chosen educational systems. For this purpose a descriptive-analytical analysis by extracting the relevant units of comparison data. Through the multiple variables related to the structure of the systems, types of routes, filters and options, equity of the system, curriculum, college access, types of schools, funding, staff and system difficulties. Educational systems that promote equity and social cohesion at the expense of neoliberal policies and neoconservaduristas that are embedded in the education of all countries of the European Union are needed, as well as the need for political gain scholarships and extensive support for students most disadvantaged. In Europe, following the neoliberal policies and globalization in which we are immersed, education has largely become a commodity to be bought and sold, ie education lies at the mercy of the economy, and an obsession with the results observed for the quantification and evaluation of educational problems, student achievement, teachers, which leads to measuring, counting and tallying almost everything, and this creates competition among students and schools.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof EDULEARN proceedings, 2015, p. 8314-8322
dc.subject Educació Investigació
dc.title Comparative study between the educational systems of spain, uk, france and germany
dc.type journal article es_ES 2019-02-05T12:44:23Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 112868
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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