Medios de Comunicación e Historia Reciente. Un estudio con alumnado chileno de Secundaria

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Medios de Comunicación e Historia Reciente. Un estudio con alumnado chileno de Secundaria

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Sánchez Agustí, María; Vásquez Leyton, Gabriela; Vásquez Lara, Nelson
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The aim of this paper is to analyse Chilean secondary-education students? ideas regarding this nation?s transition to democracy, taking special interest in their sources of historical knowledge concerning this process. This study, which applies a mixed-methods approach, makes use of the narratives obtained from 616 students belonging to private, subsidised and municipal schools located in Chile?s main urban areas. Students? perceptions are gathered by using a closed and open-ended questionnaire, and analysed by using a statistical computer software. The results show that, despite the high formative potential of history classes, the Chilean transition to democracy is not given a prominent importance in schools, leaving students no other choice than to resort to extracurricular sources to gain access to this knowledge.
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