Entrelazando la Ética con las Ciencias Experimentales : una propuesta didáctica para la capacitación de profesores con la serie Breaking Bad

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Entrelazando la Ética con las Ciencias Experimentales : una propuesta didáctica para la capacitación de profesores con la serie Breaking Bad

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Cambra Badii, Irene; Lorenzo, María Gabriela
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The need to articulate disciplinary issues with the Nature of Science, the relationship between Science, Technology and Society, and the interrogation on ethical aspects of teaching and knowledge is becoming more and more evident these days. In this article, we present an action-research consisting on a proposal for training science teachers based on the TV-series Breaking Bad. The results showed different ways of conceiving science, scientific work and its teaching. The rise of ethically controversial situations in secondary school is remarkable. The proposal encouraged debate and reflection on a series of events with broad social impact, and provided the necessary metacognitive processes for the transformation of educational practices.
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