Pensar la ciudad global desde sus representaciones escolares : un estudio de caso entre Valencia (España) y Bogotá (Colombia)

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Pensar la ciudad global desde sus representaciones escolares : un estudio de caso entre Valencia (España) y Bogotá (Colombia)

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García Monteagudo, Diego; Torres Pérez, Luis Guillermo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The conceptions of the urban space of Secondary Education students of several centres of Valencia and Bogotá approach us to the school representation of the global city. The relationship between social representations and the geography of perception and behaviour reveals that students build ideas about the immediate urban space within the social community to which they belong. Mobility, social relations and attachment to the immediate urban space are dissimilar aspects in both cities, but they lead us to affirm the need to strengthen teaching strategies that include the lived space and the local scale to face the learning of the global city. 
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