Educación para una ciudadanía comprometida en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales : ¿Qué piensa el alumnado de un profesor innovador sobre su aprendizaje?

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Educación para una ciudadanía comprometida en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales : ¿Qué piensa el alumnado de un profesor innovador sobre su aprendizaje?

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Lucas Palacios, Laura; Delgado Algarra, Emilio José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

This paper presents the results of a research that is part of the doctoral thesis "teaching education for citizenship from heritage education in social science classes: a case study"; focusing on the sections of the system of categories linked to "what is taught" about citizenship education in Social Sciences classes in the context of Secondary Education. For this, along with the support of the qualitative analysis program ATLAS.ti, a categorization of the transcribed information of the teacher's conception interview, of the audio record on the development of the classes, of the student?s discussion groups and of the final teacher reflection interview  is carried out. The case study shows a teacher committed to current social problems, which seeks that their students can develop a critical thinking that leads them to engage and participate in their reality. 
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