Las pinturas alegórico-mitológicas del palacio Palmerola de Barcelona y su relación con Cesare Ripa

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Las pinturas alegórico-mitológicas del palacio Palmerola de Barcelona y su relación con Cesare Ripa

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Rey Recio, María Jesús
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

This study unveils the meaning of the allegorical-mythological murals, shaped like false sculptures, which frame the scenes of a historical-familial nature decorating the salon of the Palmerola Palace in Barcelona. They were painted at the end of the XVIIIth century by Pedro Pablo Montaña, whose primary literary source was the Iconologyby Cesare Ripa. Based on this text, the painter builds the visual language, whose fidelity to the source is a paradigmatic example of utilization of this source. My research also results in the correction of previous misinterpretations, thus offering a richer and more comprehensive view of the pictorial ensemble.   KEYWORDS: Palmerola Palace; Pedro Pablo Montaña; XVIIIth century; Cesare Ripa; Iconography.  
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