Las plantas como recursos didáctico. La Botánica en la enseñanza de las Ciencias

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Las plantas como recursos didáctico. La Botánica en la enseñanza de las Ciencias

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Mayoral García-Berlanga, Olga
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The increasing lack of interest of students in scientific subjects is also intense in the field of botany. There is growing concern about the lack of botanical vocations in the university world that is not restricted to our country. The analysis of the training of natural science teachers - which are responsible for establishing the first contact of students with science - can help us understand this situation and find solutions. This article also focuses on how to increase interest in biology and also claims plants as exceptional educational resources, both for their importance in environmental balance and their educational significance. In this sense, outdoor education and field work in which students can be active in their learning and stablish direct contact with the natural environment should be encouraged to increase the motivation and link of students with the sciences.
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