El proyecto mapa escolar de Valencia: Análisis de la zonificación educativa de la ciudad de Valencia

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El proyecto mapa escolar de Valencia: Análisis de la zonificación educativa de la ciudad de Valencia

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de Madaria Escudero, Borja; Requena i Mora, Marina; García De Fez, Sandra; Vila Lladosa, Luis; Gabaldón Estevan, Daniel; Muñoz Rodríguez, David; Rodríguez Victoriano, José Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The research project Mapa Escolar de Valencia (School Map of Valencia) was born out of an agreement between the City Council and the University of Valencia in order to carry out an investigation of the compulsory education system of the city and propose, if necessary, modifications to the current school zoning. The project is structured in several research areas. An analysis of the specialized scientific literature and public policies concerning education and schooling has been done, and it is currently analysing the evolution of quantitative and qualitative data on compulsory schooling in Valencia, its school zoning, the representations of education and the school climate in the city schools. The main results of the research are presented in this article
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