The impact of theatrical experiences on young adults in Spain

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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The impact of theatrical experiences on young adults in Spain

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Motos Teruel, Tomás; Alfonso Benlliure, Vicente; Fields, Donna L.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

This study examines how young adults experience theatre and how this activity impacts their personal development. A total of 305 subjects, between 14 and 29 years old, completed the 'Theatre and me' (T&Y) battery of questions. Correlation and variance analysis were conducted considering age and gender. Older subjects reported that participating in drama activities has a greater impact on their lives, helps them to have a greater proclivity to take risks and to be more open-minded. With respect to gender, girls score higher than boys in 'Tolerance to RiskTaking and Commitment', 'Identity and Consciousness', Expression of Feeling' and 'Escape'
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