Direct visualization of pyrrole reactivity by confined oxidation in a Cyclodextrin Metal‐Organic Framework

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Direct visualization of pyrrole reactivity by confined oxidation in a Cyclodextrin Metal‐Organic Framework

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Núñez-López, Alejandro; Galbiati, Marta; Padial, Natalia M.; Ganivet, Carolina R.; Tatay Aguilar, Sergio; Pardo Marín, Emilio; Armentano, Donatella; Martí Gastaldo, Carlos
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Metal-organic frameworks can be used as porous templates to exert control over polymerization reactions. Shown here are the possibilities offered by these crystalline, porous nanoreactors to capture highly‐reactive intermediates for a better understanding of the mechanism of polymerization reactions. By using a cyclodextrin framework the polymerization of pyrrole is restricted, capturing the formation of terpyrrole cationic intermediates. Single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction is used to provide definite information on the supramolecular interactions that induce the formation and stabilization of a conductive array of cationic complexes.
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