La organización del trabajo por proyectos: La fábrica de la precariedad laboral

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La organización del trabajo por proyectos: La fábrica de la precariedad laboral

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Goussard, Lucie es 2019-11-05T11:30:41Z 2019-11-05T11:30:41Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation Goussard, Lucie. La organización del trabajo por proyectos: La fábrica de la precariedad laboral. En: Arxius de sociologia, 40 2019: 119-124 es
dc.description.abstract The project-based organization, considered as a radical reorganization of work around one or more simultaneous projects, is nowadays widespread in large companies and public administrations. According to the managerial way of thinking, this system would be virtuous: by giving more autonomy to the employees in the act of production and by developing their skills through mobility and interdisciplinarity of work teams, it would be able to arouse their full commitment. This study confirms in some way how this opinion has been imposed, but at the expense of precarious working conditions, increasing the dedication of employees and silencing any form of criticism. The research is based on a review of the literature and 50 interviews with technicians, engineers and industrial design executives working in a large company in the French automotive industry, where project-based organization is widespread. The links between this organization of work and precariousness are one of the results that stand out after the investigation. es
dc.subject 1137-7038 8537 Arxius de sociologia 525290 2019 40 7038146 La organización del trabajo por proyectos: La fábrica de la precariedad laboral Goussard es
dc.subject Lucie The project-based organization es
dc.subject considered as a radical reorganization of work around one or more simultaneous projects es
dc.subject is nowadays widespread in large companies and public administrations. According to the managerial way of thinking es
dc.subject this system would be virtuous: by giving more autonomy to the employees in the act of production and by developing their skills through mobility and interdisciplinarity of work teams es
dc.subject it would be able to arouse their full commitment. This study confirms in some way how this opinion has been imposed es
dc.subject but at the expense of precarious working conditions es
dc.subject increasing the dedication of employees and silencing any form of criticism. The research is based on a review of the literature and 50 interviews with technicians es
dc.subject engineers and industrial design executives working in a large company in the French automotive industry es
dc.subject where project-based organization is widespread. The links between this organization of work and precariousness are one of the results that stand out after the investigation. trabajo por proyectos es
dc.subject organización del trabajo es
dc.subject salud es
dc.subject precariedad es
dc.subject Project-based organization es
dc.subject work organisation es
dc.subject health es
dc.subject precariousness 119 124 es
dc.title La organización del trabajo por proyectos: La fábrica de la precariedad laboral es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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