Cómo los corpus pueden asistir a los estudiantes de traducción jurídica : la plataforma GENTT TransTools Corpora y Sketch Engine

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Cómo los corpus pueden asistir a los estudiantes de traducción jurídica : la plataforma GENTT TransTools Corpora y Sketch Engine

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Borja Albi, Anabel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

 This paper analyses the application of corpora to the teaching of legal translation in higher education settings combining the use of both the GENTT TransTools Corpora platform and Sketch Engine. A review of previous teaching experiences with legal textual corpora is presented, followed by a descriptive overview of GENTT?s research group 10 years? experience using corpus in the classroom with a translation training approach that promotes scaffolded education as well as constructive and cooperative situated learning. These suggest that classroom activities with monolingual, multilingual and translated corpora of legal documents may prove useful to students of legal translation, improving their strategic competence and providing them with text models and patterns to be used as terminological, textual and legal/conceptual references.
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