Patrones de participación y logro en un MOOC de Saberes Digitales para Docentes en servicio de México

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Patrones de participación y logro en un MOOC de Saberes Digitales para Docentes en servicio de México

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Mercado Collado, Ricardo J.; Jácome Avila, Nancy; Ortega Guerrero, Juan Carlos; Casillas Alvarado, Miguel; Ramírez Martinell, Alberto
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Participation patterns and completion rates of a MOOC on Digital Knowledge for Teachers with over 8000 students were investigated in this article using descriptive statistics and cluster analysis according to age, gender and previous educational attainment. Results indicate that older and more educated participants obtained higher completion rates and employed more often the discussion forum. No gender differences were obtained. Participation in the course followed a funnel model in which there is a steep decrease of involvement after the first activity which stabilizes in the fifth one. The course rested on a basis of trust assuming that each participant voluntarily enrolled with the purpose of learning and therefore considering his/her self-perception of course performance as one element of overall appraisal is consistent with these courses.
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