Molecular Iodine for a General Synthesis of Binary and Ternary Inorganic and Hybrid Organic-inorganic Iodide Nanocrystals

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Molecular Iodine for a General Synthesis of Binary and Ternary Inorganic and Hybrid Organic-inorganic Iodide Nanocrystals

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Akkerman, Quinten A.; Martínez Sarti, Laura; Goldoni, Luca; Imran, Muhammad; Baranov, Dmitry; Bolink, Henk; Palazón Huet, Francisco; Manna, Liberato
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

We report the synthesis of various binary and ternary inorganic and hybrid organic-inorganic iodide nanocrystals starting from molecular iodine (I2). The procedure utilizes a reaction between I2 and oleylamine that yields oleylammonium iodide -the iodide precursor for a subsequent preparation of nanocrystals. The syntheses are facile, carried out under air, in vials heated on a hotplate and deliver nanocrystals with narrow size distributions and, in the case of red and near infrared-emitting lead-based perovskites, with 70-80% photoluminescence quantum yields. The latter were used to fabricate red and infrared bright light-emitting diodes, with external quantum efficiencies (EQE) exceeding 3%.
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