Concepciones sobre nutrición vegetal y relaciones tróficas en función del bagaje educativo : implicaciones para el futuro profesorado

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Concepciones sobre nutrición vegetal y relaciones tróficas en función del bagaje educativo : implicaciones para el futuro profesorado

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Caño Pérez, Lidia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This research aims to determine the pattern of misconceptions about ecological concepts of pre-service teachers according to their educational background and to assess whether this pattern differs from that of students newly enrolled in a scientific Bachelor's Degree. For this purpose, a questionnaire was administrated to 273 students pursuing a degree, either in Education or Science. Ecological misconceptions were detected across all students? education profiles. Concerning newly enrolled students, no influence of the kind of upper high education pursued was found but students pursuing a scientific Bachelor's Degree showed a deeper understanding of some ecological concepts.  However, instruction received during the Bachelor's Degree in Education did contribute to improving the understanding of such concepts
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