Educación no formal. El papel del profesorado en las visitas didácticas a los museos

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Educación no formal. El papel del profesorado en las visitas didácticas a los museos

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González González, José Manuel; Becerra Traver, María Teresa
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

For decades, museums, permeated by the advantages of didactics, have been receiving an increasing number of schoolchildren. However, there are only a few studies that present the actions carried out by teachers who visit museums with their students. In this work, we want to determine to what extent teachers are involved in everything that concerns the activity of visiting a museum. Through the completion of a survey in Extremadura, we have found out that teachers carry out work before and after the visit, although there may be some bias or partiality in their answers.
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