La transición española : ¿qué sabe el alumnado de 1º de bachillerato?

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La transición española : ¿qué sabe el alumnado de 1º de bachillerato?

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Bueno Urritzelki, Mikel; Arcocha Mendinueta, Elorri
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The present article is the result of the analysis of a survey conducted among 79 first-year High School students about the Spanish transition. Through this research, we want to assess, with a quantitative methodology, the knowledge and ideas that the surveyed students have about this historical period after the completion of Secondary Education. A survey was conducted with a variety of questions, among which are included some interrelated to check possible contradictions in the answers. The survey covers different issues: from historical figures to more global actors such as different organizations or social mobilizations. This study reveals that surveyed students think that the transition was a violent period, although there are also some contradictions in their knowledge of this period.
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